Home Selling

3 03, 2021

What are Homebuyers Looking For in 2021? Here Are the Hottest Outdoor Features

2021-03-23T15:31:04-06:00March 3rd, 2021|Decor, Staging, and Showings, Favorites, Fun Things, Home Buying, Home Ownership, Home Selling|

It’s been quite the year for real estate agents, with fairly large factors affecting every housing market in addition to all of the hyper-local influences in home preference. Most areas in Mesa County have seen an increased focus on outdoor spaces associated with the homes.

27 01, 2021

What’s Up With Inspections in Mesa County? Part 3: Home Inspections For Sellers

2021-03-23T15:47:45-06:00January 27th, 2021|Favorites, Home Buying, Home Ownership, Home Selling|

For this third part of our blog series on the home inspection process we feel it’s important to talk about home inspections from a home seller’s perspective. If you’re selling a home you will definitely encounter a detailed inspection of your home from your buyer. Understanding it and working through the inspection process will help your deal go smoother for everyone.

13 01, 2021

What’s Up With Inspections in Mesa County? Our 4-Part Series

2021-03-23T15:49:58-06:00January 13th, 2021|Favorites, Home Buying, Home Ownership, Home Selling|

It’s a tough market out there right now for buyers in Grand Junction and the entire Western Slope area. Homes for sale aren’t as plentiful. That means it’s actually a sellers’ market right now. You’ll be in fierce competition with other buyers for the same homes. That also means buyers need be armed with as much information as possible when they plunge into buying a home. Especially once you get one under contract.

9 12, 2020

Negotiating Mesa County Home Sales Calls for Cool

2021-03-23T16:07:53-06:00December 9th, 2020|Home Buying, Home Ownership, Home Selling|

A few years back, the Business Insider listed one tip for negotiating a home sale: “Don’t be a jerk!” That sounds like a hyperbolic put-down (after all, who wants to be a jerk?). But it’s true that negotiating for a home can have personal consequences that contribute to a particularly tense situation—one where uncharacteristically charged emotions can be triggered. This can befall even the most even-tempered among us—especially if the other side seems to be acting like a jerk!

4 11, 2020

Beyond the ‘R’ Word: Existing Home Sales Spike in Every Region

2021-03-23T16:28:50-06:00November 4th, 2020|Home Buying, Home Selling|

When corporate leaders seek to communicate good news on their company’s performance, they frequently reach for the ‘R’ word: “robust.” Sales are robust; production is robust; future prospects are robust, etc. The ‘R’ word performs the near-miraculous feat of conveying strength, energy, and accomplishment —all without having to come up with specifics.

7 10, 2020

Today’s Mesa County Real Estate Prospects—a Different Animal

2021-03-24T17:28:54-06:00October 7th, 2020|Choosing a Realtor, Home Buying, Home Selling|

The bright economic news that began this summer may have wilted a bit in the July heat, but as the month drew to a close, Mesa County real estate watchers have reason to doubt that some of the more dour expectations will materialize. Especially worries about a possible replay of the Great Recession’s rush of foreclosures seems improbable for a number of powerful reasons.

23 09, 2020

Why Experienced Mesa County Realtors® Ignore “Zestimates”

2021-03-24T17:48:47-06:00September 23rd, 2020|Home Buying, Home Selling|

Today's Mesa County house hunters are using the web more than ever—and more than ever, they're running into seemingly omnipresent "Zillow." It's unavoidable because Zillow ads are everywhere—often in the first and/or second position on the search engine results pages. With annual revenue topping $2 billion, the e-commerce mega-company can afford it.