Home Buying

4 01, 2022

For Decluttering, What’s the Indispensable Word?

2022-01-04T12:09:49-07:00January 4th, 2022|Home Buying, Home Ownership, Home Selling|

When it comes to selling your Mesa County house, the word that pops up in every discussion is the ubiquitous “decluttering.” Decluttering means exactly what it says: removing clutter in all its forms. Not just the debris that piles up in every Mesa County household (old magazines, less-than-priceless dust-catchers, toys that have seen better days, etc.), but also some more prominent articles that overfill space.

20 12, 2021

Gen Xer Resilience Shown by Mesa County Real Estate

2021-12-20T13:05:11-07:00December 20th, 2021|Home Buying, Home Ownership, Home Selling|

By now, just about everyone in Mesa County looks back on the last decade’s housing bust with a lot less consternation than heretofore — time can do that (as well as the recovery of temporarily lost value). For some Mesa County homeowners, the temporary nosedive in Mesa County real estate values was little more than an uncomfortable learning experience.

13 12, 2021

Mesa County Real Estate Investing Without Pop-Up Ads

2021-12-13T16:22:13-07:00December 13th, 2021|Home Buying, Home Ownership, Home Selling|

Few Mesa County residents who spend much time online have avoided the unnerving experience of having their screens populated with ads aimed at them, personally. Whether the culprit is Google or Facebook or one of the otherwise-useful apps, it’s close to impossible to avoid having your personal preferences noted and exploited by the omnipresent web snoops.

9 11, 2021

“Estate” is a Word with Many Meanings

2021-11-08T16:48:57-07:00November 9th, 2021|Home Buying, Home Ownership, Home Selling|

The word “estate” is one of those words that can carry a boatload of different meanings. As part of the “Mesa County real estate” caption, it’s one of the positive ones. “Real estate” means physical property that’s anything but imaginary. In fact, the U.S. Constitution initially restricted voting rights to owners of real estate!

21 09, 2021

Details Reveal Why Real Estate Activity Defies Expectations

2021-09-13T12:16:13-06:00September 21st, 2021|Home Buying, Home Ownership, Home Selling|

For anyone who follows Mesa County real estate trends, this year has upended all expectations. Even following the declaration of the national pandemic emergency, the course of activity continued to follow an unpredictable path. Recently, the National Association of Realtors® Newsroom revealed new details about the unforeseen shifts in the housing market. Normally, when the national economy sputters as profoundly as it did at the onset of the pandemic, it constitutes “a condition usually associated with slower home sales and lower home prices.” The opposite has come to pass on both counts.

14 09, 2021

Mesa County Home Workplaces Prompt an Overlooked Side-Issue

2021-09-13T12:06:14-06:00September 14th, 2021|Home Buying, Home Ownership, Home Selling, Popular|

At Stanford, they call it the new “working-from-home economy”—one featuring “an incredible 42% of the labor force working from home full-time.” The latest Gallup survey finds 58% working at home at least some of the time. Mesa County workers who count themselves among the 51% who prefer remote work “because it improves work-life balance” will also be in sync with their employers. According to Digital Workplace’s estimate, firms that offer remote work report having a “25% lower employee turnover rate.”

17 08, 2021

Despite Everything, Consumer Credit Scores Rise

2021-08-17T16:59:01-06:00August 17th, 2021|Home Buying, Home Ownership|

For homeowners who had planned to sell their Mesa County home this year, the sudden advent of the COVID-19 pandemic looked like the worst kind of bad news—what pundits call a “black swan”—the kind of out-of-the-blue event that thoroughly disrupts normal prospects. Sure enough, unemployment numbers soared, and businesses in any number of fields ground to a halt. As if those conditions weren’t damaging enough, for Mesa County home sellers, even showing Mesa County homes became close to impossible as everyone grappled with finding the best ways to deal with the changing conditions.

11 08, 2021

Mesa County Rental Properties Double Growth Possibilities

2021-08-11T11:34:34-06:00August 11th, 2021|Home Buying, Home Ownership|

Mesa County rental properties can bring their owners substantial investment income at the same time they are quietly building equity. It sounds clever—and it is clever, as many legendary titans of industry have pointed out. Nineteenth-century millionaire-philanthropist Andrew Carnegie’s “Ninety percent of all millionaires become so through owning real estate” is typical.

20 07, 2021

House-Hunting in Mesa County: Some Fundamentals are Changing

2021-07-20T16:56:22-06:00July 20th, 2021|Home Buying|

House-hunting in Mesa County may start on a laptop, but although “sight-unseen” purchases are on the rise, sooner or later, most forays become less virtual. Soon after one of Mesa County’s experienced Realtors® is recruited (preferably, that’s us), the hunt will go mobile. After the most likely candidate properties have been agreed upon, in-person visits will be lined up.

6 07, 2021

Mesa County Real Estate Welcomes ‘Lowest Ever’ Mortgage Rates

2025-01-31T22:52:27-07:00July 6th, 2021|Home Buying, Home Ownership, Mortgages|

They were at it again last week—the party-poopers who wanted to quibble about what newspapers and broadcast media were proclaiming: a shattering of the record lows in mortgage interest rates. For Mesa County real estate followers, the argument missed what is most important: the bottom line that the rates being offered continue to create a heady environment for home buyers and sellers.

9 06, 2021

How to Make Your Bathroom Look Spacious and Updated

2021-06-09T12:14:57-06:00June 9th, 2021|Home Buying, Home Ownership, Home Selling, Repairs and Remodeling|

It is no secret that one of the key things people look at when they are buying a house in Mesa County is the bathroom. That’s why it’s so important to make your bathroom look as big, beautiful and up-to-date as possible. Unfortunately, many bathrooms these days are quite small, but there are ways of making them appear sleeker and larger.

19 05, 2021

2383 Indian Paintbrush Circle, Highlands Ranch, CO

2021-05-19T21:27:13-06:00May 19th, 2021|Home Buying, Our Listings|

This home is a Highlands Ranch showstopper! A 4 bed, 3.5 bath home on a large corner lot with a fenced back yard. The inside has been freshly painted from top to bottom. A vaulted foyer greets you along with a private, main floor office with glass French doors.

4 05, 2021

10 Imaginative Excuses that Could Lead to a Mesa County FSBO Sign

2021-05-04T17:57:54-06:00May 4th, 2021|Home Buying, Home Ownership, Home Selling|

If you put your mind to it, you can come up with excuses for why it makes sense to do just about anything. For instance, if it’s Sunday and you really should go shopping to stock the fridge for the week ahead, but you’re all settled in to watch TV, you can reason that the supermarket coupons probably aren’t valid until Monday. Or, if the leaves are four deep along the garden wall, you really shouldn’t rake them until the last ones fall. If the last ones have fallen already, didn’t you read someplace that letting them molder right there is good for the soil?

13 04, 2021

Thinking About Senior Housing in Mesa County

2021-04-13T18:13:29-06:00April 13th, 2021|Home Buying, Home Selling|

When it comes to adapting and changing, senior housing in Mesa County plays a key role in an individual's future. Because everyone is different, some may not feel a need to utilize senior housing, while many others will.