For everyone whose springtime house-hunting plans were disrupted by the pandemic, it might seem best to just let the year pass before renewing the project, since things still haven’t settled back to where we found them last February.

But if the natural inclination is to hold off until 2023’s busy real estate season, there are some compelling reasons why this fall might be a superior time to go house hunting. Aside from any personal objectives that had buyers eager to make the move to a new Western Slope home, three powerful financial considerations prompt earlier action:

  1. The indisputable advantage Western Slope home buyers have right now: those interest rates! We’ve seen some volatility lately with rates. Theoretically, they could move even lower—but un-theoretically, sooner or later, they will move higher (most likely, far higher). Today’s home loan interest rates are bankable examples of the wisdom of the “bird in the hand”
  2. Equity building is best characterized as a ‘sooner-rather-than-later’ activity. For first-time homeowners, the earlier you cease rent-paying, the sooner some of your housing dollars begin building your personal equity instead of disappearing forever.
  3. Tax advantage. The homeownership tax advantages are serious—and for Western Slope homebuyers who close before year’s end, they begin to pile up immediately. That would make April 15, 2023 (rather than 2024) a more enjoyable date.

Those three powerful financial inducements are (not by accident) also three good reasons to give us a call!