Since COVID-19 became a lock-down situation for many companies and their workers a home office became almost an essential item on a house buyer’s wish list. After all, many people work at least part of the time at home — and even if they don’t, they still want somewhere to store the computer and their household papers.

Here are some tips to help you create an attractive home office that you’ll actually want to spend time in.

An Attractive Place to Work

A home office doesn’t have to be just functional — it can be attractive, too. So, take as much care with the décor as you would in the other rooms in your house, making sure office furniture and accessories coordinate with wall and floor coverings. Repaint the walls and attractive but neutral color to eliminate glare and other distractions. Think about room or sound deadening window coverings, too.

Invest in Good Audio and Visual Accessories

If you’re like most home-working employees conference calls and web meetings are the standard of the day. Make sure you have good, quality speakers for your computer. Consider a multi-function web camera with 4K video capabilities and a noise-cancelling microphone built in.

Good lighting

If you don’t have a lot of natural light (or you’ll be working mainly in the evenings), make sure you have good lighting, particularly task lights for illuminating your desk. Include other types of lighting too, so you’ll make the room feel comfortable. Think about an accessory light for your Zoom calls to eliminate shadows.

Choose good furniture

It’s essential that your desk and chair are comfortable to work at, so take time choosing them. Make sure the seat and backrest of your chair are adjustable and that the height of your desk is comfortable. Many home office workers are investing in standing desks.

Power and the Internet

Make sure there are plenty of power outlets in the room and easy Internet access. Avoid a “rat’s nest” of cables by bundling them together and tucking them out of sight. Consider buying a surge protector to save your office components from dips and peaks in electricity service. Make sure you don’t overload extension outlets and create a fire hazard.

Include good storage

Think carefully about the kind of storage you’ll need and make sure there’s enough of it. Consider stackable boxes to store paperwork efficiently, and an attractive filing cabinet. Put shelves on the walls and use them to store books; add wire baskets to the shelves for documents.

Bulletin Board/White board

Put up a bulletin board or erasable white board for reminders and other essential information you use every day. Then you’ll avoid ugly sticky notes all over your computer.

Make It a Dual-Purpose Room

Many homes weren’t originally designed and built with home offices in mind. That extra guest bedroom doesn’t have to be fully lost to a home office. There are a number of high-quality, comfortable queen-sized futons on the market which can for guests or family overnight visits. Check the size and height of the futon pad/mattress so it will be comfortable to sit AND sleep on when pulled out. Make sure you measure hallway widths and door openings before committing to a purchase to ensure the futon can be delivered and set up in the room.

We can help you find that ideal, next home with a home office that fits your needs. Call us! We’d love to work with you on that search.